The New Year generated a slew of "Resolutions", "Plans for 2016" and similarly themed posts on Ravelry, and it made me feel a bit nervous. I had made plans for 2015 but without a great deal of forethought, and having looked back over them I found I was wide of most of them. OK, I failed abysmally at most of them but not because I didn't do anything. Far from it, I released more patterns that I had expected to do, used up more stash yarn that I had expected to, and performed far better in the Gift-Along at the end of the year than I could have ever dreamed. But it wasn't what I thought I was going to do when 2015 began.
I have decided that 2016 will be the Year of Being More Organised. It has already started with my taking charge of my sales and expenses so I can fill out my tax return more easily next year. Far quicker to keep a running total each month than try to add it all up at the end of the year (like last time). I have also bought myself a notebook and a pack of pencils (because they always seem to grow legs!) and have a page for each month with which pattern I plan to release (looks like I'm covered until at least May now), and a page for each design so I can keep track of where I'm up to. I'm very good at knitting up samples (the fun bit) but very bad at typing up the pattern on the computer (the dull bit). This last weekend I ended up finishing up a pattern I drafted in July. The sample was knitted during September and October. It shouldn't then take until January to get the pattern written. It still needs photography but the weather hasn't been conducive, and it's a late-spring/early-summer design anyway.
I also want to submit to more third-party submission calls this year, so I need to be more organised for that. I really don't want to find myself trying to work on more than one third-party pattern at a time! I have enough stress with a day job and two children without having my design work causing me to tear my hair out as well!