Yesterday I finished a pair of fingerless mitts I've been designing. The mitts themselves are blocked and drying. The pattern is partially formed, the first section typed up on the computer and the charts my usual scribbles on graph paper, soon to be Stitch-Mastery'd into existence! Under normal circumstances I would have more yarn caked up and be itching to start some Shiny New Thing. Today, you can see the tumbleweeds blowing through my knitting bag. Well, almost.
I don't understand it. I keep a running list of design ideas and, up till now, I've been ready to start the next one as soon as I can. Today, none of them are leaping in the air, shouting "Start me! Start me!" Then there's my Ravelry queue. 27 patterns long and none of them really grab me today.
My other way of deciding what to make is to go through my stash and see which yarn calls to me. Sometimes seeing a pretty colour, or feeling the squishy, or noticing a combination of two skeins together that I hadn't considered before triggers off something in my imagination and I know that's what I want to work with next. Not today.
Oh well, maybe I need to take this evening off. Watch some TV, have a bubble bath, read the rest of the book I've been trying to finish for weeks! Hopefully I'll feel more inspired tomorrow. In the meantime, if anyone sees my knitting mojo lying about, please hand it in to Lost Property!