Well, here it is, my knitting blog. I've been knitting since I was a child but only started designing patterns in the summer of 2014. It wasn't anything I'd even considered before, and then one weekend morning I woke up with an idea for a shawlette that I just had to knit, and I know I didn't want to find a pattern for it. I wanted to knit it myself. Before I was even dressed I found some yarn and some needles and made a start, ripping and reknitting until what was on my needles was what I had pictured in my head. That first pattern became my Yarnshine shawlette and from that moment I had caught the designing bug!
14 self-published patterns later and I find myself starting a blog as well. In it I intend to talk about my designs, the design process as I see it, and the learning curve I find myself following as I explore the exciting world of knitting pattern design.