The fibre came from a fibre club at Fibre Hut in the West Midlands. When I first opened the parcel I must confess it was not a fibre I would have chosen myself. The colours are not ones I would usually be drawn to, and the fibre itself is quite rough at first touch.
I decided to try a fractal spin. This method involves stripping the length of roving or top lengthwise, and then dividing those strips into progressively narrower strips. Because this braid was quite narrow to begin with and I wanted a 3-ply, I was limited in how many times I could divide it.
I had intended to make a traditional 3-ply yarn, but of course the best laid plans of mice and men and all that... I guess the spinning mice must have had a hand (a paw?) in this one, because of course two of the plies turned out to be almost exactly the same length, running out within inches of one another, but my third bobbin still had a substantial amount of singles left. (The third ply, if anyone’s interested!). Waste not, want not, so I chain plied that last bit into a mini skein.
I’d use this technique again. Maybe I’ll try it on a fibre with more colour variation next time.